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We have Process Servers available throughout England and Wales on both Fixed Fee rates, and Legal Aid Rates where required. Our Process Servers are:
Do you have an outstanding debt but the debtor has gone missing from their last known address?
Do you know any of the following?
Dealing with Probate?
We have spent nearly 20 years tracing missing beneficiaries for Solicitors and Clients in Probate with Estates and Wills.
We can locate missing beneficiaries
We can locate unknown relatives
We can locate unknown children
Swift turnaround times
We'll locate your Missing Beneficiary!
With no end in sight of the meltdown of the UK financial markets, more and more individuals are falling into debt. These individuals in turn claim to their creditors that they can't meet their repayments, leaving you with just one option, to commence legal proceedings.
However, before you commence any legal proceedings against an individual or company, it is absolutely vital that you carry out your own investigation to see if the debtor in question is actually financially able to repay the debt. Over the years, we have provided many Asset Reports and Pre-Sue Enquiries to Solicitors, Private Individuals and Private Companies.
It is our aim to carry out Asset Reports and Pre-Sue Enquiries to discover if your debtor has any hidden interests. This information will then enable you to make a key decision as to whether it is worthwhile or not to continue with your legal action.
With our in-depth Pre-Sue, Status and Asset Reports, we aim to provide you with the following information:
Head Office Address:
Kemp Investigations
Jindal House
35 Progress Road
We hold Professional Indemnity, Public Liability and Employers Liability Business Insurance.
To use any of our services, please either e-mail us at, or, contact us on:
Head Office: 08444 142 145
Mobile: 07982 614 579
To use our services,
please e-mail us at:
or, call us on:
Head Office:
08444 142 145
Mobile: 07982 614 579
We have Process Servers Nationwide throughout England and Wales.
We also have access to a network of Sheriffs operating throughout Scotland.
Head Office Address: Kemp Investigations and Legal Services, Jindal House, 35 Progress Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 5PR
Kemp Investigations and Legal Services is a trading name of: Research Systems Limited
Company Registration Number: 8267505 | DPA Registration Number: Z9724823 | VAT Registration Number: 135 7653 00
Now Follow us!
Head Office Address:
Kemp Investigations and Legal Services
Jindal House
35 Progress Road
Kemp Investigations and Legal Services is
a trading name of: Research Systems Limited
Company Registration Number: 8267505
DPA Registration Number: Z9724823
VAT Registration Number: 135 7653 00
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